Episode 06: Rhymes, Melodies, Loss and Healing


Familia, you ready for Episode 6?! This week we share our thoughts about Eminem’s recent Trump inspired freestyle rap video and Lecrae’s new music Album “All Things Work Together”. Our main topic this week: Healing from loss. We have all experienced some form of loss whether it's the loss of a child, a loved one, career goal, or maybe even the loss of not attaining something we long for. Join in on the conversation and share your thoughts & experiences with us. If you're in need of prayer, click here and let us know how we can pray for you. You are LOVED, APPRECIATED, SEEN, and HEARD. 

Links from this week's episode:

  1. Lecrae - All things work together
  2. The Five Stages of Grief
  3. Grief support groups in the Inland Empire
  4. Bereavement Support Groups
  5. Central Counseling Services (Grief online resources)
  6. A Guide for Fathers: When a baby dies (Book)
  7. Progressing Through Grief: Guided Exercises to Understand Your Emotions and Recover (Book)
  8. Grieving the Child I Never Knew (Book)